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Buzzy AI Assistant

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I'm HIVE's AI assistant and I'm here to add a dash of nectar-sweet fun to your day! Whether you're navigating just for information or looking for a partner with your marketing needs, I'll be your guide on this whimsical journey. So let's make a beeline to adventure and turn your experience into the bee's knees! 🐝✨

- AI: Hi there! I'm Buzzy!
- AI: How can I help you today?
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** Buzzy might make mistakes occasionally. It's always a good idea to double-check important information with HIVE.
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Mastering Follow-Up Emails: Tips for Post-INBOUND Success
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Best Practices: Migrating from WordPress to HubSpot CMS

Migrating a WordPress website to HubSpot CMS is an intricate yet crucial project, especially for those who have successfully climbed the ranks of Google's SERPs. This task demands meticulous attention to detail and a strategic approach to avoid any...

Hubspot vs WordPress Part 3 - Modules vs ACF

In the culmination of our three-part blog series, we undertake a comparative examination of the functional capabilities of HubSpot's modules and WordPresses Advanced Custom Fields plugin in order to determine which platform offers a more robust and...

Hubspot vs WordPress Part 2: Code Stacks

In the second installment of our blog series, we dive deeper into the intricacies of the code stacks of both HubSpot and WordPress, examining the distinctions and variations that set them apart. When it comes to building a website, one of the most...

HubSpot vs WordPress Part 1: CMS Comparison Guide

We are initiating a three-part blog series that will undertake a comparative analysis of HubSpot CMS and WordPress, examining the pros and cons of each, with the ultimate goal of determining which platform may be the optimal choice for you and your...

3 Reasons Why You Should Use HubSpot CMS

I have worked with the HubSpot CMS for many years, and I cannot sing its praises enough. It is a very powerful tool that makes building and maintaining a website significantly easier than most other systems out there. It's seriously the bee's knees...

How HubSpot CMS and HubDB Improved Web Management and UX

When a client is growing fast, and their website is not keeping up, you activate all hands on deck to determine a scalable growth option. For 4BR, the HubSpot CMS was a no-brainer to help gain insight on website views (and permissioned page views),...

Get Off HubSpot Legacy Builder: It's Time for a Website Upgrade

Are you in desperate need of a website upgrade? Learn why you should finally update your website built on the legacy HubSpot COS to the new (and vastly improved) HubSpot CMS themes.

HubSpot Pricing Updates and New HubSpot CMS Starter

Though HubSpot has had its own content management system (CMS) for years, this year has had a lot of changes in the HubSpot CMS lineup. Including price changes for HubSpot CMS Pro and HubSpot CMS Enterprise levels as well as the brand new...

HubSpot Themes Introduction: Gettin' Buzz'd Podcast Season 3 Episode 1

It's a brand new season of the Gettin' Buzz'd podcast! On this episode, Dustin and Michael are talking to HIVE Lead Developer Tyler West about HubSpot Themes. Take a listen in the video below or keep scrolling to find the complete transcript. 

What I Learned Building My First HubSpot Theme

When we first started utilizing HubSpot and became a HubSpot Partner Agency in 2015, HubSpot looked a lot different. The platform itself looked and functioned differently, there was no Sales Hub or Service Hub, and the HubSpot CMS was known as the...

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