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Buzzy AI Assistant

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I'm HIVE's AI assistant and I'm here to add a dash of nectar-sweet fun to your day! Whether you're navigating just for information or looking for a partner with your marketing needs, I'll be your guide on this whimsical journey. So let's make a beeline to adventure and turn your experience into the bee's knees! 🐝✨

- AI: Hi there! I'm Buzzy!
- AI: How can I help you today?
buzzin for answers
How would you like to interact with Buzzy?
microphone ai
Speaking to Buzzy Sending message Buzzy is responding
** Buzzy might make mistakes occasionally. It's always a good idea to double-check important information with HIVE.
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Mastering Follow-Up Emails: Tips for Post-INBOUND Success
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How to Use HubSpot: Exclude IP Addresses

Data is only useful if it's accurate. And one of the biggest mistakes that we see companies make with their reporting is that they don't exclude internal IP (internet protocol) addresses from their reporting. This means that whenever someone from...

How to Use HubSpot: Filter Out Bot Activity for Clean Reporting

If you sell to or market to Fortune 500 and larger companies, you may be seeing that when you send a marketing email to multiple contacts within a company all of them are being opened at the same time or even clicked at the same time. Oftentimes...

How to Use HubSpot to Build Your Fitness Brand

Thanks to a combination of social media, soaring health insurance costs, and affordable access to lifestyle tech devices, the health and fitness industry is booming. I mean seriously booming. Over the past decade in the U.S. alone, the $30 billion...

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