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Buzzy AI Assistant

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I'm HIVE's AI assistant and I'm here to add a dash of nectar-sweet fun to your day! Whether you're navigating just for information or looking for a partner with your marketing needs, I'll be your guide on this whimsical journey. So let's make a beeline to adventure and turn your experience into the bee's knees! 🐝✨

- AI: Hi there! I'm Buzzy!
- AI: How can I help you today?
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** Buzzy might make mistakes occasionally. It's always a good idea to double-check important information with HIVE.
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Mastering Follow-Up Emails: Tips for Post-INBOUND Success
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The Statistics Behind Writing Blogs for Your Business

Blogging is a commitment. It's a tactic that takes a lot of time, effort, research, and a talent for writing. Because there are so many barriers, it's a tactic that is really only used effectively by larger brands, professional bloggers, and...

How to Build a Blog Following

Many businesses will eventually journey into the world of blogging, but there are two big reasons that it can fall flat - 1. they can't keep up with the time commitment, and 2. they get discouraged and give up. It's fairly easy to get discouraged...

How To Supplement Your Content Marketing Agency

Not every business has a huge marketing budget. Scratch that. Very few businesses have a huge marketing budget. Spending that money wisely has a huge impact on your effectiveness and bottom line throughout the year. 

If you only have the budget to...

5 Reasons Your Content Marketing Strategy Sucks

Remember the good ol' days when just being on social media was a big deal? When just sending out a tweet or a Facebook post could get your business seen by thousands and bring in customers nearly immediately? Yeah...they're gone. Forever. And ever.

5 of the Best Marketing Podcasts for Your Commute

Podcasting, originally called "audioblogging" began in the 1980s but didn't really hit it's stride until 2005 when Apple added the ability to download podcasts to iTunes. In the early 2010s, it seemed like podcasting might be fizzling out into a...

5 Questions You MUST Ask A Content Marketing Agency Before Hiring Them

How much do you really know about your marketing agency? Are you asking the correct questions? Are you making the right choice for your business? 
It can be stressful hiring a new content marketing agency without knowing for sure that they're...

How to Start Writing Blogs That Will Positively Impact Your SEO

Chances are you've come across this post because you already understand how important it is to be writing blogs for your business (If you're not convinced yet, check out Dustin's post: 5 Reasons Blogging For Business Is A Must) and now you're ready...

Blogging for People Who Hate Writing Blogs

We've talked a lot about blogging in the HIVE blog. We've covered everything from why blogging for your business is crucial to how to ensure your brand voice comes through in your blogs. If you've missed some of these past topics, be sure to check...

Character Count 101: Your Guide to Optimal Content Lengths

Here at HIVE, we often have to field questions about the ideal character count for any given type of content. And this is a completely valid question. We all know that content is crucial for so many reasons but it can't do it's job unless your...

5 Steps to Amazing Blog Titles

A good writer is supposed to be able to grab their reader in a matter of seconds. Well, with your blog title, you've not only got to catch readers' attention, but also the attention of search engines. Your title has to be searchable and be focused...
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