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Buzzy AI Assistant

Human Chat

I'm HIVE's AI assistant and I'm here to add a dash of nectar-sweet fun to your day! Whether you're navigating just for information or looking for a partner with your marketing needs, I'll be your guide on this whimsical journey. So let's make a beeline to adventure and turn your experience into the bee's knees! 🐝✨

- AI: Hi there! I'm Buzzy!
- AI: How can I help you today?
buzzin for answers
How would you like to interact with Buzzy?
microphone ai
Speaking to Buzzy Sending message Buzzy is responding
** Buzzy might make mistakes occasionally. It's always a good idea to double-check important information with HIVE.
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Mastering Follow-Up Emails: Tips for Post-INBOUND Success
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How and Why You Should Be Marketing to Generation X

Known as the Forgotten Generation, the Connected Generation and the MTV Generation, Generation X is often overlooked in our marketing efforts as we strive to capture desirable Millennials and Generation Z. But overlooking these people is a huge...

5 Reasons Blogging For Business Is A MUST

One of the questions that we run into frequently is "does blogging really matter?".
Every time we get this question, we have to hold ourselves up so we don't fall out of our chairs. The short answer, HECK YES!
Blogging has been proven to be...

How Marketing has Changed: Inbound vs Outbound Marketing

A lot has changed in the last few years...

We've all migrated from Myspace to Facebook (and several other networks), we started using our phones for literally everything, Mashable announced that the hipster beard is dead (RIP), and the landscape of...

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